7 research outputs found

    Game criticality in male youth football: Situational and age-related effects on the goal-scoring period in Portuguese national championships

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    Research crossing the effects of situational variables with the temporal analysis of goals scored in football is scarce, particularly in youth football. Hence, the present study aimed to (1) analyse the effects of match location, match status, team quality, goal criticality, and age group on match periods in which goals are scored in male youth football, and (2) examine whether the age group (U17, U19, and U23) influences the emergence of critical moments in matches from the Portuguese national championships. The sample consisted of 2,591 goals scored in the U17, U19, and U23 Portuguese national championships during the 2019/2020 season. Chi-square tests revealed that match location, match status, goal criticality, and age group were significantly associated with the goal-scoring period. During the first halves, more goals were scored (1) when playing at home, (2) when teams were tied or losing by one goal (critical circumstances) and (3) by U17 teams. A multinomial logistic regression model revealed that the chances of scoring in the sixth period (vs the first) significantly decreased when playing at home, and in U17 and U19 matches. The U23 teams were more likely to score in the last period regardless of goal criticality. However, the interaction effect of team quality x age group suggests that U17 and U19 teams are more prone to score in later match periods when team ability is equated. These findings enable coaches to improve the tactical, physical, and psychological preparation for competitive youth matches depending on the target age group.Keywords: goal, critical moments, contextual variables, temporal analysis, soccer

    Fatores de risco cardiovascular em crianças : estudo de prevalência e intervenção multidisciplinar em contexto escolar envolvendo atividade física e nutrição

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    Diversas variáveis contribuem para o desenvolvimento precoce de fatores de risco cardiovascular e metabólico (FRCM) a partir da infância, sendo esse desenvolvimento mais frequente em crianças com obesidade. Mantendo a tendência, o número de crianças com excesso de peso ou obesidade irá aumentar para 70 milhões em 2025. A atividade física (AF) e a ingestão alimentar são fatores comportamentais modificáveis que influenciam a aptidão física e o peso corporal, ambos relacionados com FRCM potenciadores das doenças cardiovasculares e diabetes. O objetivo deste trabalho foi analisar em contexto escolar a associação entre medidas antropométricas (MA), pressão arterial (PA), aptidão cardiorespiratória (ACR), AF e comportamentos sedentários (CS), procurando também fazer a predição das MA (n=245). Foram analisados os efeitos de uma intervenção multidisciplinar (através de um RCT), durante seis meses, em diversos FRCM (n=77). Foi encontrada uma elevada proporção de crianças com excesso de peso (29.8%) e obesidade (20.0%), 41.2% apresentou uma relação cintura-estatura (RCE) superior a 0.5 e mais de 50% não atingiu as recomendações internacionais de AF. A ACR e a AF vigorosa (AFV) foram inversamente correlacionadas com as MA. A AF moderada (AFM) e a AFV foram positivamente relacionadas com a ACR e esta foi inversamente com a PA. A ACR e a AF explicaram a variância do índice de massa corporal (IMC). A variância do perímetro de cintura (PC) e da RCE foi predita pela ACR. As associações positivas na avaliação inicial entre o z-score do IMC, o PC, a RCE com os triglicéridos (TGC), entre o z-score do IMC, a RCE com a glicose, entre a AF leve (AFL) e o HDL-colesterol (HDL-C), entre a AF moderada a vigorosa (AFMV) e a AFV com a ACR, entre a ingestão calórica e de lípidos com o LDL-colesterol (LDL–C), o z-score do IMC, o PC e a RCE, bem como a relação inversa entre a ACR e os TGC, demonstraram a importância da implementação de programas escolares interdisciplinares inseridos na comunidade escolar, nos projetos e planos de atividades, que envolvam profissionais treinados e os pais. No RCT, o grupo experimental (GE) aumentou a AFM, a AFV, os passos e os períodos de AFMV de 1-5 minutos, a ACR, para além das alterações clinicamente relevantes no HDL-C e TGC. A ACR foi a variável que mais explicou a variação das MA. Parece pertinente começar mais precocemente a avaliação da prevalência e inter-relação entre os diversos FRCM e é determinante a implementação de programas multidisciplinares cada vez mais centrados na componente fitness e não somente na componente fatnessSeveral variables contribute to the early development of cardiovascular and metabolic risk factors in youth and this development occur more frequently in children with obesity. If current trends continue the number of overweight or obese infants and young children globally will increase to 70 million by 2025. The physical activity (PA) and eating behaviour are considered modifiable behavioural risk factors influencing physical fitness (PF) and body weight that are related to cardiovascular and metabolic risk factors (CMRF), potentially leading to cardiovascular diseases and diabetes. Thus, the objective of this study was to analyse the association between anthropometric measures (AM) and blood pressure (BP) with cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF), PA and sedentary behaviour (SB), and predicted body mass index (BMI) z-score, waist circumference (WC) and waist height to ratio (WHtR) variance (n=245). The effects of a 6-month multidisciplinary school-based intervention (through a RCT) in several CMRF were analysed (n=77). It was found a large proportion of overweight children (29.8%) or with obesity (20.0%), 41.2% of the participants had a WHtR larger than 0.5 and more than 50% did not meet the PA international recommendations. The CRF and vigorous PA (VPA) were inversely correlated with all AM. Moderate PA (MPA) and VPA were both positively associated with CRF and this was inversely correlated with BP. The CRF and PA explained the BMI z-score variance. The WC and WHtR variance was predicted by CRF. The positive associations founded at baseline between the BMI z-score, WC, and WHtR with triglycerides (TGC), the BMI z-score and WHtR with glucose; the light PA (LPA) time and HDL-cholesterol (HDL-C); the vigorous and moderate-to-vigorous PA (MVPA) with CRF; the caloric intake and lipids with LDL-cholesterol, BMI z-score, WC, and WHtR, as well as, the inverse association between CRF and TGC, stress the importance of multidisciplinary school-based interventions integrated in school communities and their educational project and annual activity plan, involving trained experts and the parents. In the RCT, the experimental group (EG) participants increased the MPA, the VPA, the steps, the MVPA 1-5 minutes periods, the CRF, in addition to the clinically relevant changes in HDL-C and TGC. The CRF was the variable that most strongly explained the AM variance. It is relevant to start earlier the assessement of the prevalence and relationship between the several CMRF, it is important to develop multidisciplinary school-based programs, and it is critical place their approaches focused on the fitness component and not only in the fatness component.Orientação: António Labisa Palmeir

    Self-Determination Theory and Nonlinear Pedagogy: An Approach to Exercise Professionals’ Strategies on Autonomous Motivation

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    Promoting adherence to exercise, especially in a long-term, remains a critical issue in fitness and wellness (F&W) context. SelfDetermination Theory (SDT) and Non-Linear Pedagogy (NLP) have progressively established themselves as valid backgrounds for intervention in F&W context. Analysing the assumptions of both, seems to reveal points of contact and complementarities yet to be explored through experimental research. Autonomy, competence and relatedness are basic psychological needs (BPN) that motivational strategies based on SDT seek to satisfy, aiming autonomous self-regulation for exercise. NLP practice is centered in the performerenvironment system exhibiting tasks that should be representative of the context of performance with adaptive variability; tasks should be simplified rather than decomposed. Task, individual and environmental constraints are considered and manipulated to guide the performer through a learning process according to the individual differences, promoting cooperation and stimulating decision. Research has demonstrated the determining importance of the type of exercise professionals’ motivational practices, leading to a positive or negative impact on practitioners. These strategies may involve the diagnostic of action capabilities, and the use of Motivational Interview (MI) principles to facilitate the goal-setting process, manipulating task constraints, and using instructions as task constraints. The purpose of this manuscript is to discuss possibilities on how NLP can target autonomous motivation, based on SDT, resulting in a landscape of affordances for exercise and daily activities that promote autonomous motivation in the F&W context. To our better knowledge, NLP has never been considered neither in the scope of F&W, or as a facilitator of autonomous motivation.Promover la adhesión al ejercicio, es un problema en la condición física y bienestar (CF&B). La teoría de la autodeterminación (TAD) y pedagogía no lineal (PNL) se han consolidado como válidos para la intervención en la CF&B. Ambos parecen tener puntos de contacto y complementariedades aún por explorar a través de la investigación. La autonomía, competencia y relación son necesidades psicológicas básicas que las estrategias motivacionales basadas en TAD buscan satisfacer, con vista a la regulación autónoma para el ejercicio. La PNL se centra en el sistema de entorno del ejecutante que presenta tareas representativas del contexto con variabilidad adaptativa; Las tareas deben simplificarse y no descomponerse. Las restricciones de tareas, individuales y ambientales se manipulan para guiar al ejecutante a través de un proceso de aprendizaje de acuerdo con diferencias individuales, promoviendo la cooperación y estimulando la decisión. Se ha demostrado la importancia de estas prácticas motivacionales de profesionales y su impacto positivo o negativo. Estas estrategias pueden implicar con el diagnóstico de capacidades de acción, y el uso de los principios de la entrevista motivacional (EM) para facilitar el estabelecimiento de objetivos, manipulando las restricciones de tareas y utilizando las instrucciones como restricciones. El propósito de este manuscrito es discutir cómo puede la PNL enfocarse en la motivación autónoma, basada en el TAD, dando como resultado los recursos para el ejercicio y actividades diarias que promueven la motivación autónoma en la CF&B. Para nuestro conocimiento, la PNL nunca ha sido considerada en el CF&B, ni como facilitadora de la motivación autónoma

    Effects of a multidisciplinary school-based intervention in sedentary behaviours and anthropometric measures of portuguese children: project Pank: a randomized controlled trial

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    A redução dos comportamentos sedentários (CS) pode ser benéfica na prevenção da obesidade. O objetivo deste estudo foi verificar os efeitos de uma intervenção escolar multidisciplinar durante seis meses nos CS e medidas antropométricas (MA) de crianças portuguesas. Métodos: Participaram 77 crianças (7-10 anos) de uma escola portuguesa. O programa incluiu consultas/reuniões individuais, sessões educacionais, aumento do exercício físico e uma tarefa associada ao cumprimento do número de passos por dia. Os CS foram avaliados através de acelerómetros. Resultados: A intervenção não teve os efeitos esperados na diminuição dos CS. Nos dias úteis, o Grupo Experimental (GE) teve uma diminuição dos CS entre a avaliação inicial e a final, um aumento nos períodos passados em CS com uma duração igual ou superior a 30 minutos entre a avaliação inicial e a intermédia e uma diminuição entre a avaliação intermédia e a avaliação final. Verificaram-se resultados positivos no IMC z-score, perímetro de cintura e relação cintura-estatura. Conclusões: A intervenção escolar PANK obteve resultados positivos nas MA, muito embora não se tenham verificado todos os efeitos esperados no tempo passado em CS. Para uma modificação comportamental mais efetiva, parece ser necessária uma intervenção mais abrangente e, simultaneamente, mais específica no âmbito dos CS

    Fitness, cardiovascular and metabolic risk factors: A correlational study

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    This study aimed to verify the relationship between anthropometric measures (AM), blood pressure (BP) and cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF), physical activity (PA), sedentary behaviour (SB), predicted BMI z-score, waist circumference (WC) and waist-to-height ratio (WHtR) variance. A total of 245 children (8.90 ± .80years-old) were recruited from a Portuguese school. WHtR was classified according the reference ≥ 0.5. WC was measured above iliac crest. BP was assessed using a sphygmomanometer, and CRF using 20-m run test. PA and SB were assessed by accelerometers (Actigraph GT3x) and by questionnaire. Participants did not meet recommendations on PA. CRF and vigorous PA (VPA) were inversely correlated with AM. Moderate and vigorous PA were positively correlated with CRF. CRF was inversely correlated with systolic and diastolic BP. CRF and PA explained BMI z-score variance. WC and WHtR variance was predicted by CRF. These results emphasize the importance of international recommendations for PA with the purpose of developing CRF. A new emphasis should be given to CRF and interdisciplinary approaches in international recommendations. This should provide new health implications for primary care providers and school services

    Project PANK: Rationale, study protocol and baseline results of a multidisciplinary school based intervention in children with cardiovascular and metabolic risk factors

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    <div><p>Abstract Aims: Cardiovascular disease risk factors occur more frequently in children with obesity. Project PANK is a multidisciplinary school-based intervention lasting 6 months to improve BMI z-score, waist circumference (WC), waist-to-height ratio (WHtR), blood pressure (BP), nutrition, physical activity (PA), sedentary behaviour (SB), cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF), glucose, cholesterol, and triglycerides (TG). Methods/DesignA total of 77 children (7-10 years) were recruited from an urban school. The protocol includes PA and SB individual meetings for children/parents; increasing school exercise; PA and SB lessons for children; A goal in the number of steps/day to accomplish in and after school. In nutrition, the protocol includes three individual meetings for children/parents and six lessons for children. ResultsPositive associations were found between the BMI Z-score, WC, and WHtR with TG; the BMI Z-score and WHtR with glucose; the light PA time and HDL-C; the vigorous and moderate-to-vigorous PA with CRF; the caloric intake and lipids with LDL-C, BMI z-score, WC, and WHtR. A negative association was found between CRF and TG. ConclusionBaseline results stress the importance of multidisciplinary school-based interventions. We hypothesized that PANK will improve blood variables, anthropometric measures, and BP, by changing food intake, enhancing PA and CRF, and decreasing SB.</p></div